• Paul Tortelier at the BBC

    To mark the centenary of the celebrated French cellist Paul Tortelier (born 21st March 1914), the BBC drew from their archives a selection of films and documents that spanned his whole career and testified to the exceptional rapport he enjoyed with Britain. The programme “Paul Tortelier at the BBC” is here reproduced as a DVD and offers a portrait of one of the truly great cellists.
  • Benjamin Britten

    Benjamin Britten

    Symphony No.40
    English Chamber Orchestra
    Peter Pears (TENOR)
    English Chamber Orchestra

  • Klaus Tennstedt / Boston Symphony Orchestra

    Klaus Tennstedt / Boston Symphony Orchestra

    MP4 Video Download:
    This rare audiovisual footage presents Klaus Tennstedt at the height of his very special relationship with the Boston Symphony Orchestra during his prime recording period. Joyous Mozart is combined with evocative Mahler, both performed with the greatest sensitivity and conviction. The ICA Classics Legacy series represents an historic account of performances by some of the world’s greatest artists. This DVD features only the second public release of a full-length symphonic work with the Boston Symphony Orchestra under Klaus Tennstedt and the third DVD available with this mighty conductor. While the material has been restored using the greatest care and state-of-the-art techniques, certain visual artefacts and distortions remain in some instances due to the age of the film. Despite this, it remains of exceptional musical interest and historic value and is released here for the first time on DVD.
  • William Steinberg / Boston Symphony Orchestra

    William Steinberg / Boston Symphony Orchestra

    MP4 Video Download:
    Steinberg was much admired for his sterling musicianship; the breadth of his repertory, which included much contemporary music; the clarity and precision of his technique; his wit and pipe-smoking geniality; and the collegial relationships he established and maintained with his musicians.
  • Klaus Tennstedt / Boston Symphony Orchestra

    Klaus Tennstedt / Boston Symphony Orchestra

    MP4 Video Download:
    Tennstedt duly made his US debut in December 1974, conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra in an all-Brahms programme and then in Bruckner's Symphony No.8. A legend was born and a career was made. One headline the next day ran: "Bruckner – Tennstedt – BSO – Once in a Lifetime."
  • André Previn

    André Previn

    Rachmaninov – The Bells
    Sheila Armstrong, Robert Tear, John Shirley-Quirk
    London Symphony Chorus & Orchestra
    Prokofiev – Lieutenant Kijé
    LONDON, 24 APRIL 1977
    Bernstein – Candide – Overture
    London Symphony Orchestra

  • Gennadi Rozhdestvensky at the BBC Proms

    Gennadi Rozhdestvensky at the BBC Proms

    Mikhail Glinka: Ruslan and Lyudmila / Three Dances from A Life for the Tsar
    Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker: Act II
    BBC Symphony

  • Mstislav Rostropovich / Benjamin Britten

    Mstislav Rostropovich / Benjamin Britten

    Rococo Variations
    Pezzo capriccioso
    Romeo and Juliet Overture
    Gloriana (extracts)
    Peter Pears
    The Aldeburgh Festival Singers
    English Chamber Orchestra

  • David Oistrakh

    David Oistrakh

    Bach: Double Violin Concerto in D minor
    ECO / Colin Davis, conductor / David Oistrakh, violin (23 September 1962, Royal Albert Hall)
    Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante, K. 364
    Moscow Philharmonic / Yehudi Menuhin, conductor / Igor Oistrakh, violin / David Oistrakh, viola (1 October 1963, Royal Albert Hall)
    Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major, Op.77
    Moscow Philharmonic / Kirill Kondrashin, conductor / David Oistrakh, violin (24 September 1963, Royal Festival Hall)

  • Beaux Arts Trio

    Beaux Arts Trio

    Schubert: Piano Trio in B flat Op. 99 (13 July 1987, Signet Library, Edinburgh)
    Schubert: Piano Trio in E flat major Op.100 (6 September 1977, Signet Library, Edinburgh)